
Another SEMPRE SITO exhibition featuring silkscreen artworks will start from December 9th 2022 and will be on display for two weeks.

In addition to the artists from 36 Mountains production, you will be able to see and buy the prints of guest artists.

Featured artists are: Ivan Prerad, Ana Kovačić, Damir Sobota, Apolonija Lučić, Marko Tadić, Jelena Bando, Pavle Pavlović, Rina Barbarić, Klarxy, MIna Fina, Miron Milić, Josipa Tadić, Dunja Janković, Leon Zuodar, Sebastijan Dračić, Zoran Pungerčar, Agata Lučić, Zlatan Vehabović, Urška Alič, Dominik Vuković, Imelda Ramović, Marko Dajak, Vida Meić, Mario Matoković, Nikica Jurković, Jure Šajn, Vesna Salamon, Mario Miličić and Marko Šajn.

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